We are a full service home inspection company providing quality home inspections, mold inspections, mold testing and insurance related home inspection services in Palm Beach, Broward, Martin and Saint Lucie counties since 2004

Congratulations! you've saved your money, found the best realtor in the business and you’ve spent countless hours looking for the right home, now that you’ve found it let Beacon Home Inspection Services make sure you're buying the home of your dreams and not someone else’s nightmare. When it comes to the overall safety and health of your family, home and investment there are no substitutes for your home inspectors experience, training and due diligence. There are so many hazards in the modern American home today whether it be from an environmental, structural, or mechanical issue, choosing the right home inspector is just as important as choosing the right home. You'll want someone who is experienced in all aspects of the home inspection process. You'll want a home inspector who has a working knowledge of what it takes to maintain a home so he/she can pass that knowledge on to you. Above all else, you'll want a home inspector that has your families health safety in mind. At Beacon Home Inspection Services your families health and safety are our top priorities and we have the experience to identify concerns that are not always readily apparent. When it comes to hiring a home inspector you should know what type of experience your home inspector has. At Beacon Home Inspection services we've made it easy for you to check us out. Click on the link below to view my background and experience.

Experience is Everything!
When it comes to home inspections the difference between an average home inspection and a great one is your inspector’s experience. Home inspectors can only identify and report on conditions that they have experience in and home inspector's backgrounds are as diverse as the inspectors themselves. Some are contractors, some come from the HVAC industry, some are electricians or plumbers. These are your more experienced home inspectors. Unfortunately there are a lot of inspectors out there who have extremely limited experience. Over the years I've seen pest control professionals, pool maintenance, mold remediators and even realtors out there inspecting homes. These type of individuals have no business being in the home inspection industry and have no concerns about the risk to the health or safety of their clients. They have no experience other than what they've learned online while applying for their license.
With almost 20 years in the multi-family housing industry repairing and replacing HVAC systems, water heaters, electrical components as well as plumbing, culminating in overseeing construction maintenance of multi-million dollar properties such as The Residences at City Place and The Strand in downtown West Palm Beach followed up by 7 years of factory trained appliance repair with General Electric allows me to report on conditions very few home inspectors have experience in. Add to that 20 years of inspecting residential and commercial properties with well over 10k inspections, over a decade as a licensed mold assessor and all of the customer service skills that come along with that and you have the most well rounded, experienced home inspector in South Florida with prices comparable to home inspectors with very limited experience.
When choosing a home inspector you'll also want to make sure that they are licensed and insured. Ask your home inspector what type of report he/she will provide, after all the home inspection report is what it's all about. If you can't understand it, it's not worth the paper it's printed on. At Beacon Home Inspection Services we provide comprehensive reports that are easy to understand even for the most lay persons. Our home inspection reports are computer generated and they're a narrative type report with photos depicting areas of concern as opposed to a check list that is very vague and lacking in detail. It's very important to choose a home inspector that is affiliated and certified through one of the national home inspection associations such as InterNACHI or ASHI. As a proud member of InterNACHI I'll be the first to admit that even with all of my previous experience and knowledge without the continuous education and support from InterNACHI, my home inspection business wouldn't be half of what it is today.
Got Mold?
As a licensed mold assessor we take mold very seriously. Most home inspectors are certified for mold but very few are licensed or insured for mold which means by law they are allowed to identify possible microbial growth and offer Indoor Air Quality testing during the home inspection process but what they cannot do is advise you on what to do about it if found. For that you’ll need a licensed mold assessor or a mold remediator and home inspectors who are not licensed for mold are required to refer you to one. This will cost you extra time, money, may require an extension on your home inspection period and may even cause your deal to fall through. Most of my mold assessment business comes from home buyers who have already had a home inspection performed by an inspector who is not licensed and has found some level of mold during the initial home inspection. Not only are home inspectors who are not licensed or insured for mold required to refer you to a professional it also allows them to avoid liability by referring you to a licensed assessor or remediator. All of my home inspections include a full mold assessment as well as conditions that are conducive to mold growth at no additional charge to you.
When our clients purchases a property, I understand that it is a HUGE investment not only financially, but physically and emotionally as well. At Beacon Home Inspection Services I consider it my duty to ease the worry and concern about the condition of your new home purchase leaving you to concentrate on the many other things that you need to do during this major life changing event. I take pride in providing stress free service for my clients. I rely on word of mouth for most of my business so I truly have a vested interest in your satisfaction. Though the majority of my business is from client referrals and from real estate agent recommendations I work directly for "YOU" the client. My job is to ensure that you understand in detail, every item that may be of concern. My job does not end after the reports are completed and delivered, should you have any questions, even months down the road, you are more than welcome to give me a call and I'm always available to answer any questions you may have.
Rest assured we at Beacon Home Inspection Services are here to assist you in making a confident, informed decision about your investment. Whether you're buying a new property and want to be sure of what you're getting or selling a property and want to eliminate possible problems that could delay or cost you the sale. Or if you need professional to inspect and advise you on the conditions, maintenance, energy efficiency and safety of your current home, we are here to help.
William Scott
Beacon Home Inspection Services
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